
In Jostedal Datacenter BlueFjords offers different rental models based on client needs. BlueFjords will handle the facility services and lease of rack space with access to network and communication. Highly redundant and more than enough power, secured by a generator for additional power safety. On site we have available up to 15 MW water-based and green energy delivered from powerplant close by. High efficient and modern UPS’s with excellent battery time and cooling based on the latest adiabatic air cooling technology. It is also at site possible for more green power from the nearby powerplant and the site is zoned for this purpose as well.


  • Rent rack space with
    • facility management
    • operational expertise
  • Whitespace ( rent area )
  • Other needs? We want to help you solve your challenges


  • BlueFjords with its cooperating partners can assist with technical services on various levels if needed. Quantities and sizes to suit your needs and desires. Guest office facilities available on request if you need a period close to your installations.

Contact us for information about terms & conditions, facilities and rates ( +47 95 16 36 17 )